
Todd Loftus, M.D.

Public Health-Preventative Medicine

Locations and Appointments

Insurances Accepted

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  • HMO
  • PPO
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  • Blue Access
  • Blue Connection
Biographical Info

Todd Loftus, MD is a Clinical Assistant Professor of Public Health and Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry at Weill Cornell Medical College. At the Midtown Center for Treatment and Research he sees patients with co-occurring mental health and substance abuse issues including providing Suboxone treatment. In addition, Dr. Loftus maintains a private practice in psychotherapy and psychopharmacology.

After receiving his M.D. from SUNY Buffalo School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, Dr. Loftus completed a psychiatry residency at New York-Presbyterian Hospital, Payne Whitney Manhattan. His previous experience includes treating medically complex patients at The Center for Special Studies of New York-Presbyterian Hospital and Weill Cornell's Division of Kidney and Pancreas Transplantation.

To schedule an appointment at The Midtown Center for Treatment and Research: (212) 764-5178

To schedule an appointment in his private practice: (212) 213-6717

Board Certifications
American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology (Psychiatry)
Clinical Expertise
Psychopharmacology and Psychotherapy
General Psychiatry
  • M.D.
    State University of New York at Buffalo, School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
  • Assistant Attending Psychiatrist
    NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital
  • Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
    Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University
  • Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine
    Weill Cornell Medical College, Cornell University

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